Happy Birthday Becs
HAPPY BIRTHDAY BECS! [IMG]https://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j215/cageybaby/HappyBirthday-3.jpg[/IM...
The Ceremony last night
I will let Bec tell you how it all went, I took these pics yesterday before they went as I was helping them out before the big day, they didn't come out too bad considering they were on the quick as we was running late, one is a formal type and the other sort of relaxed [IMG]https://i219.photobucket.com/a...
The Thousand Arm Dance
This is so enthralling and calming! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eUSKj2fxqN4
The Soldier Girl
Happy Birthday Kal-El
Nicky's little boy Kal is four years old today! HAPPY BIRTHDAY KAL-EL Have a wonderful day little one!
Hey Everyone! Sorry for my unexpected hiatus!
Hey all! First off I must say I missed you all! I have just been soooooo busy with school starting back up, marching band every other day and football games for that, and taking an AP class, studying for SATs....and the list goes on. I hope to be back and actively posting every day if not that then every-ot...
An extremely rare opportunity
As some of you maybe aware that Bec is currently in the army cadets, and is getting on fine there and enjoying herself, She has been chosen to attend a rare opportunity by her sergeant in her unit along with 11 others to attend the insertion of the new Constable of the Tower of London !! General Dannat, ex H...
Nightmare for a Monday morning
Want to hear something funny for a monday morning ??, 7.15am alarm goes off, get up go to the loo, what happens ????, the blooming door handle breaks with myself trapped in the loo...LMAO The spring inside the door latch broke so the latch was still inside the little hole on the frame, so of course the han...
actor Patrick Swayze is gone
He passed away on Monday. He was a great actor. Its sad.
Bec has been entered into the young writers book of the year
This has made my day, always knew she had some talent, but she never tried to carry on and make a success with it until her school must have thought she had some talent to enter her into the competition. I had a letter sent this afternoon regarding the competition, it's called Mini saga's 2009 London, wha...
Numerology reading for today.
I used to get a numerology reading daily, but have not in over a year. So this morning, I decided to get one and found it rather facinating. I have changed a great deal this past year and have never had a reading with words like this. Notice the very FIRST word on my reading and how they made in Italics f...
The Soldier Girl
Taking a moment to remember 9-11
Good Morning Vixens. As many of you already know, today is 9-11. The eighth anniversary of one of the worst days in History. I lost two friends that day, I am from NY and lived in NYC for a few years, not to mention all the other souls we lost from a Terrorist Act. I have now come to believe could have been...
The Soldier Girl
Gotta love it when your teenager talks!
So I was sitting outside, enjoying the rain when my 17 yr old son Cody comes out.. He starts playing one of his favorite games...the "What If?" game. "Mom, what would you do if blah blah blah happened". Not getting the desired response out of me (Me freaking out response), he th...
The Soldier Girl
This'll make you laugh your socks off!!!!
http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/london/8237104.stmA naked man has thrown himself off the fourth plinth in London's Tra...
I've missed the vixens
Hi everyone, sorry haven't been around due to some problems here at home, but trying to get back on track, just been a very bad year this year, financial as well as personal etc, and plus the fact that I haven't got a pc at the moment, been using Becky's lappy and she isn't too pleased when I want to use it whe...
July 14th is a special date for me!
It was two years ago today that we met Nicky here in London and a year ago today that we moved into our new flat. I'm not sure if any of you realise it but July 14th is also the day that ''Cameron Poe''gets released from prison in ''Con Air''...''My daddy is coming home on the 14th July''!
Got an idea or concept for a movie? Let's see what we can come up with!
Here is mine. I have just finished reading an article on CNN about parents who use technology such as In-vitro to create embreyos that are then implanted into the mother. The doctors normally take enough eggs and sperm to create anywheres from 5-8 embreyos. The parents only want one or two and are...
The Soldier Girl
Show us your story/adventure on www.flickr.com
They say, a picture is worth a thousand words. I just uploaded several sets of past travels and adventures. Warning, the last set may be graphic and unselttling, its my take on the war. I can be found on Flickr under The Soldier Girl. Take a look and feel free to comment. I have a few more sets I am goin...
The Soldier Girl
Just a few amusing Nicky related graphics
I was browsing around on YTMND today and came across a few (silly) but funny graphics starring Nicky! http://nicbitches.ytmnd.com/ http://howditgetburn.ytmnd.com/ http://nicolascagehasgreathair.ytmnd.com/ I don't know about you all... but dang that does it for me... --- And these two are...
Hey Nico got a spare 95 Million for this Ocean Sanctuary?
The Soldier Girl
Hello, Ladies!! I just really felt the need to post...
Because I haven't been here since 2007 and I feel very shoddy about it. You were all great friends, and I just dropped off the face of the earth. I don't even remember how it happened!! But dear Corelli, and Loew and Amindlikemine (among others I remember chatting with)- I hope you can forgive me for that...
They're remaking the Wicker Man!
According to ITV Teletext news they're going to remake The Wicker Man with Christopher Lee and Joan Collins! Lol. It will be written and directed by Robin Hardy, the director of the original Wicker Man, and follows the Neil LaBute remake which stars Nic! The Sunday Herald through AITH claimed...''...
Leaving for San Antonio tomorrow...
The Army is flying me to San Antonio tomorrow for a week for the AW2 Wounded Warrior conference and TV interview that I will be doing. So I will be gone for a week. Uncle Sam is putting me up at a rather nice hotel, the Grand Hyatt on the Riverwalk. The Riverwalk is a wonderful strip of resturants, stores...
The Soldier Girl
Happy 4th July!
I'd like to wish our American members and guests a Happy 4th July
Hey Darc...I got me my very own Doc!
My hubby and I were going grocery shopping yesterday when we passed a charity shop and in the window was a cuddly toy dog that is the image of Darcy's cute pup Doc! I said to my hubby ''Oh my god it looks just like Darcy's Doc...I've got to have it!'' I went into the shop and I actually said to the guy ''how much...
New look for my living room.
What happens when I get bored on a Sunday? I move all my furniture around! Here is the new look for the living room: And finally, the far...
The Soldier Girl
My upcoming TV interview.
I just got this email, pretty excited about it. Finally going to be able to speak about the Wounded Warriors and my experiences! "Darcy, Your Advocate gave me your email address. I work with AW2 Stratcom in Alexandria, VA. Im writing to ask whether you might be willing to share some your experien...
The Soldier Girl
I be a twitter now.
Yep, finally gave into curiosity and I guess vanity? I mean is that not what twittering is about, posting something you think other people will want to know about? LOL. So yep, I be a twitter little gal. If your feeling frogy and want to check me out or post a comment, my call sign is: Thesoldiergirl Guess...
The Soldier Girl
a small earthquake
Los Angeles just had an earthquake , but i don't think it did any damage. they say it was felt as far south as San Diego.
A very special mission!
Recently I was nominated for something very special, and yesterday I found out that I was picked for it. Most of you here know that I was in a Wounded Warrior Unit for about two and a half years due to injuries and PTSD from the war. I was Medically retired in December, 2008 and because of the severity &...
The Soldier Girl
Where is everyone????
It's been really quiet around here lately. I know a lot of you are busy with school/work/families etc and it is springtime - too NICe to be sitting at our computers 24/7! - but where is everyone???? Come on members old and new don't be strangers...stop by and say hello...let us know you're still out th...