M'kay...well if people want I may be able to squeeze in here late on Friday...we'll probably be going at 7:20...so we'd be back by like 10pm (I don't know what time that is for you)
That'd be fun, although I don't think I could this Friday (or next friday) I've got plans...Going to go see Pirates 3 next week, and this week I'm goin to go see Spidey 3 again (w/ some family)
Anyone up for a pajama party this Friday night?? LOL! I mean, really....wouldn't it be fun to get everyone together with a few bottles of bubbly, some snacks, good music and some sort of Nic flick?
Seriously, don't I wish! My entire family is heading out of town on Friday and I'll have lots of time on my hands to 'play' and I sure would like to play here....
If I had a computer at home, I'd seriously suggest we all try to sign on at the same time and 'pretend' we were at a pajama party. But, whoa is me..........I have no computer in which to use....but maybe some of you can do it anyway?
Would be fun......and I'd toast ya's from afar......
Whaddya think Corelli? Is there anyway to set up a chat for people one day/evening?
~~I like the dreams of the future better than the history of the past~~