You know what? My guess is that the people out there who bash Nicky all the time are jealous of him because for a 43 year old man he's got IT...the talent, fame, money, class, looks and sex appeal and we ladies adore him and I bet those sad men out there can't handle that! Let's face it...our stud muffin has a fitter body than most guys half his age and I, for one, am finding him incredibly sexy the older he gets especially in his hat and glasses which make him look the intellectual man he is...something so sexy about a man with brains!...ooohhh daddy!
The media (and almost every member of IMDB)seem to be obsessed with both Nics and John Travoltas hairline!Its all v pathetic really but it sells papers I guess. I started to thin a bit at the ripe old age of 18!! I was gutted at that time but now Im 33 Ive managed to hang onto it though its not as thick as it was, but Im not bothered about it now older (and a daddy!).
Theres lots of celebs who have had follicle implants,weaves, wear wigs etc but it is the above two mentioned actors that seem to generate the most talk.
Yeah, I mean, balding or no balding, he looks great for his age! I just saw another thing pretty much just like what this article says today in my Google Alerts so I posted under comments that people shouldn't care about what his hair is like since he looks great the way he is
Well, i for one think that Nic looks just fine. Its ridiculous what they print. It just looked like his hair needed to be combed back into place anyway, like he had just woke up for goodness sake.. It truly is an invasion of his privacy. Like anyone would really care about something so silly as that. anyway i think that Nic looks just fine. 43 is not old at all. and 40's is the new 30's they say anyway. Nic looks great.
What a horrible thing to say about someone. So what if he has a bald spot? I'm not understanding this. Is this all they can find to slam him about? I guess he should consider that lucky then. But he's not the only man on planet earth with a bald spot. We love you Nic! Bald or not!
Hes a middle aged man for gods sake, what do they expect. Leave him alone you bastards! I hope it blansk that out, if not, im really sorry guys. but yeah, we love ya nicky!
"An old man dies, a young girl lives. Fair trade. I love you Nancy"
Let's face it Raven...the Mail has most probably had to dumb down to make sales!...I expect they believe the masses would rather read ridiculous celebrity gossip than real news! Lol.
Khm, Face/Off was about 10 years ago! And just by the way, who gives a about Nic's baldness or whatever it is? He's smart, he's sexy, he's really better than good at what he's doing, he has that kharisma for acting and that is all that matters!
I just had to post this article from today's Daily mail news (and I use the term loosely!) paper so you can all see what morons our British press really are...not that most of you didn't know that already!
I posted a comment telling the Mail what I thought of them and their intrusion into Nic's privacy and that I would expect this sort of thing from rags such as The Sun and The Daily Star but NOT the Daily Mail and...surprise surprise...they haven't accepted my post! This is the sort of crap Nicky is going to have to endure when he's over here in the uk or Europe...our wonderful (she says sarcastically!) press making spiteful remarks about a 43 year old actor's hair when there are more important issues going on in the world. I just hope he realises the British press is a minority and the majority of the British people are decent and intelligent and do not take kindly to people being singled out this way.