i've just noticed that as well as Atlantis, there is a mention of the possibility for National Treasure 3 and 4 to include a search for a giant mountain, as disney have registered domain names under 'big thunder mountain' like the ride at Disneyland, as well! Looks like they're going everywhere! Lol Talking of rides at Disneyland, I wonder if Nic will get his National Treasure roller coaster!
the shadow is the greatest teacher for showing us how to come to the light ram dass
You never know Rosemary, maybe one day Nic has said he hopes it will become more and more 'international treasure' There are so many incredible places in the world they could explore, it is a very exciting prospect isn't it !
I'm so glad Nic decided to do a sequel, I loved National Treasure and the whole concept and flavour of it, and sequels seem to have unlimited potential. It would also be very sad not see more of Nic's character Ben Gates, the intelligent hero It gives us the opportunity to see how Ben develops as a character, and adds a whole new organic dimension and room for growth, which must be interesting for Nic as an actor. As long as he has input in the script, which I think the actors do.
-- Edited by lula at 10:24, 2008-02-02
the shadow is the greatest teacher for showing us how to come to the light ram dass
What about Australia? We always get left behind. Although I must admit, there aren't too many historical mysteries related to massive treasures here. But we did have a good Gold Rush about a hundred years ago. Could be a good starting point.
sigh... mope! Oh, well at least he's done a few films in Melbourne. Now, when is he going to get curious and come down to Sydney??
Would be great for a national treasure 3, didn't Nic say he would love to take it somewhere like Eygpt, that would be great, i would love to go there for a holiday
I would love it if the next film were to venture to easter island and the mysteries around the ancient civilization of lost city of Atlantis! like the article says, it's all speculation, but FUN!
the shadow is the greatest teacher for showing us how to come to the light ram dass