I hate those little paper cuts, especially under nails to me they seem to hurt worse than a normal one, one time one of my fingers was killing me, it wasn't until I looked and saw this long line running along it, not bleeding heavy, but hell was it sore it just looked liked I had sliced along my finger with either paper or cardboard but not enough for it to bleed badly. I done it once by sealing an envelope...lol I was licking it to seal it down and sliced my tongue...LMAO
Ow....oh jeez I can only imagine what that'd be like :P
I hate those little paper cuts, especially under nails to me they seem to hurt worse than a normal one, one time one of my fingers was killing me, it wasn't until I looked and saw this long line running along it, not bleeding heavy, but hell was it sore it just looked liked I had sliced along my finger with either paper or cardboard but not enough for it to bleed badly. I done it once by sealing an envelope...lol I was licking it to seal it down and sliced my tongue...LMAO