Here is mine. I have just finished reading an article on CNN about parents who use technology such as In-vitro to create embreyos that are then implanted into the mother. The doctors normally take enough eggs and sperm to create anywheres from 5-8 embreyos. The parents only want one or two and are left with the question of what to do with the rest. Keep them frozen for future use, donate them to other parents who can not concieve normally either, donate to research for stem cell research, or thaw the embreyos and let them die off. If you donate to other parents, will you always think and know about an exact clone of your daughter or son walking around? Could you knowingly "Kill" off your own future child just because its inconvienent financially or emotionally for you?
Or (and here is what I think would be one intensive movie)....
You donate the remaining embreyo(s) to what you think will be going towards stemcell research, only to have your child come home one day, telling tales of his or her very own twin, or your out at a public place and you pale as you walk up to who you think is your child, only to find out it is not your "Child", but the embreyo given life and the property of the Government or research lab. But this child while an exact match for your child or twins on the something more...something enhanced and un-natural are darker. Maybe the child has been implanted with advanced technology like a computer chip..or implanted with a virus of such huge proportions, that when triggered will contaminate and kill thousands of people, destroying whole cities, countries in an premeditative act of terrorism or military strike? Or has had their DNA comingled with alien DNA that could turn them into a new species that could save the world or destroy it as we know it?
I know movies have been somewhat done with a similiar concept, such as the TV series "Dark Angel" or that movie with Robert Deniro "Godsent". I recently read a book called "Genesis, by Ken Shufeldt" that weaves a story about comingled DNA that is pretty decent.
I find the whole scope of possiblities, both good and bad about what happens to the extra Embreyo(s) very facinating and scary! With the right producers/directors,!! I know its dark and an uncomfortable outside of peoples thinking box zones, but thats me, lol.
Anyone else have movie ideas?
"My heart beat thrice, twice, once...and then no more the moment a passing comet bespoke of your fall from grace".